About Us
The Masorti Bet Din
The Masorti Bet Din was formally launched in January 2005. It supports the synagogues and members of the Masorti movement. The Bet Din oversees conversions, divorce proceedings and rules on complex issues in Jewish law. The Bet Din also supervises the preparation of Kosher food. The Masorti Movement promotes a vision of Judaism that is traditional, scholarly, tolerant, democratic and inclusive. These values underpin the work of our Bet Din in all areas.
Our supervision is carried out under the direction of Rabbi Chaim Weiner.
Rabbi Weiner publishes a weekly halacha blog, which is available at www.jewishlaw.wordpress.com. On it you will find detailed responses to a variety of questions of Jewish Law, which will give you a sense of our halachic practice.
We are happy to answer any specific questions you have. Please send your queries to: contact@europeanmasortibetdin.org.